Vegan PB&J Cups

Peanut butter and jelly, a classic combo, am I right?!

I’m forever a peanut butter gal. Heck, I love ALL nut butters, but PB has my heart. Couple that with jelly and wowwww brings be back to my childhood. To be honest, a good PB&J sandwich is highly underrated if you ask me. I never realized how amazing that combo was as a kid because it was so readily available to me. It didn’t feel special. Now PB & fluff is another story….you had to be on your best behavior to get that treat! I digress…

As I’ve loosened my food focus and am transitioning to a more intuitive lifestyle (aka no more calorie counting, tracking, etc.) I’ve been finding so much joy in recreating some of my favorite sweet treats.

Enter the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.


I could easily eat these every single day, no regrets. Except, I’m now 32 and too much sugar gives me headaches. Not to mention, I’m trying to keep my body and hormones happy as we try to start a family.

So why not create my own?

Knowing what goes into your food eliminates some of the anxiety of, ‘will this bother my stomach’, ‘are there preservatives’, ‘can I even pronounce XYX ingredient…’ plus these are SO DANG GOOD you won’t even miss the real sugar, soy lecithin, dextrose, soybean oil, artificial color or corn syrup…lolz.

My husband is OBSESSED with these, and lemme tell you, he is the judge for any recipe I try to ‘health-ify’ so I was more than pleased to see him not only polish off my first batch, but continue to finish each batch I’ve made after. I have to fight to get one…

Okay, enough hype. Here’s the super simple recipe you need to whip up your own!

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter & Jelly Cups:

Add 1/2 bag chocolate chips + 1/2 tbsp coconut oil {tbh I don’t measure, just guessing!) to a microwave safe bowl, heat in 30 sec increments, stopping to stir until fully melted.

Spoon a layer of melted chocolate into mini muffin tin cups, layer with a generous dab of peanut butter, then your jam. Shake your tin a bit to get a nice even distribution before topping with more melted chocolate.

Refrigerate for at least an hour before stuffing your face. Should make 10-12.

Yes, it’s that EASY!

Enjoy babes - and be sure to tag me over on @thekellycollopy if ya make them!
