I'm on the Pursuit of Happiness

IG saw it first.

But in the event that I delete that account someday, I feel overwhelming passionate about putting these words down somewhere else too:

Are you keeping it REAL in your life?

Like really real? Authentic? Raw? 💯?

Because guess what, probably no surprise, but I wasn’t…

Not as much as I wanted to at least. I was constantly chasing happiness, as if it was something I needed to achieve.

When in reality this video right here is PURE RAW HAPPINESS, in its most natural organic form. And it got me thinking…

Maybe life isn’t about appearing as if you always have it together, trying to be “perfect”, the best looking, funniest. And it isn’t about those things either — the house, fancy car, labels. maybe it’s simply just about being 100% authentically you and being okay with just a small circle who understand, love and appreciate you for that.

I’ve been paying very close attention to trends in my life lately. And this concept of perfection and happiness continues to pop up. From scripture & sermons to reading my @prsuit newsletter. Today I felt compelled to share this because I think so many of us get caught up in not just the physical world but also the digital one.

We get distracted by its expectations and feel intimidated by some of the modern beliefs that

  • money

  • career status

  • social cliques

…will make us happy.

Ultimately I think being YOU, embracing your flaws, refraining from hiding your messiness & learning to embrace contentment, that’s what leads to happiness.

Each season of life is different from the last. Some are valleys, some are mountains.

Right now I think I’m kinda in between. No big ambitious goals at the moment, just being consistent.

Taking some quiet time to learn more about what makes me tick.

And for sure more moments like this, because if puppies don’t make you undeniably happy, get yourself checked out 🐶

Good vibes, always.

Xo Kelly