High Protein Egg White, Chia + Banana Pancake

Ayyyyooo babes, just because I’m team follow-the-plan now doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally still cook up some fun meals! My goal when in the kitchen has always been to create nutrient dense food that truly fuels and this pancake knock-off certainly does the trick.

A totally compliant low carb option that I got creative with, while utilizing options from my current meal plan. Perfect for rest days, when we remove some of carbs from my morning meals, and a great way to switch it up when I don’t feel like downing some whey protein. Fun fact: a scoop of your average whey isolate protein powder can easily be swapped for 225g of liquid egg whites, which is roughly one very full full cup.

So voilà, if you’re in the mood for a ‘lighter’ breakfast or lower carb option to get you going in the morning, try out my new one-pan fave below!

Protein & Fiber Packed Egg White, Chia + Banana Pancake


  • 225g liquid egg whites, aka one very full cup

  • 2 tbsp (26g) chia seeds

  • 100g banana

  • cinnamon

  • pink sea salt

  • optional: pure maple syrup or organic, raw honey for drizzling

HOW TO: Honestly ya’ll it doesn’t get much simpler than this! Heat a small fry pan over medium-high heat and coat with your favorite cooking oil. I love a good propellant-free spray, and for me Chosen Foods 100% Pure Avocado Oil Spray can’t be beat.

Pour liquid egg whites and chia seeds into pan, careful to lightly scrape the sides every so often to keep your pancake from sticking. Let that baby cook a good way through, it should start to firm up nicely leaving a little wet egg mixture in the center. Slice 1/2 of your banana and add on top of your cake-to-be, along with a hefty sprinkle of cinnamon and some sea salt.

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Once fairly firm {you’ll know you’re ready if you can slide a spatula underneath and the pancake is easy to lift} gently flip to caramelize and crisp up that bottom…believe me, that’ll be the best part! Top with remaining banana, more cinnamon and salt. Finish cooking completely through, it shouldn’t need more than an additional minute. Plate and enjoy! If you’re feeling frisky, a generous drizzle of pure maple syrup or honey adds a nice touch of sweetness.

Macros: 31.5g P, 31.4g C, 6.3g F - 326 calories

Best part, you just got a SOLID dose of fiber in there! 12.5g total to be exact, thanks to those heart healthy fats from the chia seeds and your super fruit, banana!

I also love playing around with the spice factor, some other favorite add ins include: pumpkin pie spice, turmeric {if you follow me on Instagram, you know I love cinnamon + turmeric together!}, apple pie spice {make your own with ground ginger, cinnamon + allspice}, nutmeg.

Let me know if you whip this little panny up, tag me on the good ol’ IG or be sure to comment below on what ya think!

-Xo Kelly