Summery Watermelon Salad

This salad is LIFE. 

I absolutely love all things watermelon...watermelon margaritas, watermelon Sour Patch candies, watermelon candles, watermelon chapstick, EVERYTHING. 

So when I stumbled across this easy recipe for a refreshing summer salad I knew it was a dish destined to be in my life. It's amazing for summer BBQs, family parties {which I'm bringing it to today!} and everything in between. 

It also happens to be vegan friendly, plantbased and gluten-free; if you skip one of the optional additions I mention later ;-)

Whip this up for your next get-together and I promise your guests won't be disappointed. 

Refreshing Watermelon Salad:

  • Watermelon cubed

  • Fresh cucumber peeled and sliced

  • Honey

  • Lime juice

  • Mint leaves

  • Optional add-ins: feta crumbles & arugula, did this today and OH BOY!

This recipe is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Cube watermelon and set aside. Peel and slice large pieces of seedless cucumber, then refrigerate both. Just before serving make a honey and lime juice dressing - I didn't measure so use your best judgement and go off of taste. I also added in a touch of extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. Toss watermelon and cucumber with dressing. Chop your fresh mint leaves and mix in gently. 

I also highly suggest adding in some baby arugula and topping with feta crumbles, if you don't require this to be dairy-free/vegan because it adds the perfect touch!

Enjoy the rest of the summer babes, with this salad I know I will!

- Xo Kelly